Friday, 14 January 2011

Gender differences in buyer behaviour

“Is it a boy or is it a girl? ”  First thing a person asks when someone is pregnant, so it must be important right?  
Scientist now have found out that the male and the female brains are different, “ well Duh!  am sorry but really?  it took you guys that long to figure that out, if you have had a relationship with a girl, I think you would have figured that out ages ago “ :P  but on a serious note  I do think I have point, like for example most of the arguments you have in a relationship is due to misunderstandings, she says one thing and you say another but none of you understand because  your both interpreting  it definitely.  
Below are two diagrams of male and female brains

Don’t know about you guys but am kind of  feeling ashamed, do we really think about sex that much ??... ok ok  I ‘l admit it I wasn’t really surprised when I saw it...  but am sure  girls think about it more than that diagram is showing , they are just better at hiding it :P  
Here are some differences that males and females have according to the various researches carried out. The book the Men are from Mars, Woman are from Venus, provides proof that the genders act and respond differently according to the innate neurological, chemical and social differences .
While men like to pimp up the outside of a car the female like to pimp up the inside , woman are linear thinkers, woman are more sensitive tot eh human interference of a  product or brand, men buy woman shop .
So how does this link to marketing?

woman and men have different values promoted in the advertisements.  Advertisement that are aimed at females stresses beauty and youth and the for males its ambition and physical strength.



There is a bad side of advertising too... woman in advertisments can be portryed in a negative way, one of the main issues that woman feel is that woman are always used as a sex objects or in sexual manner and there is a serious concern on younger girls aspiring to be like woman In such advertisement . The following clip will demonstarte this:

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